Mar 1, 2009
(watch for the VIDEO here next
week or 2)
"I KISSED A DUDE (I Didn't Like
It!)" -parody of Kate Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" -by Loose Bruce
This AUDIO parody of Kate Perry's recent hit, "I Kissed a
Girl" flips the action with a different outcome. Even to straight
people, 2 women together seems to not bother anyone, even turns
many hetero men and women on. However, in our culture, 2 men
together (while wildly acceptable in the gay community, of course),
even mere touching is still bothersome to many, if not most,
American straight men. It's just a fact. Hence, this parody.
Bruce recorded all of the tracks one at a time, bass, guitar, and
all the rest of the instruments (horns, etc.) on his studio
equipment in his garage.
Loose Bruce Kerr performs irregularly on the Dr. Demento & Jim
Bohannon nationally syndicated radio shows. During Kerr's earlier
career as a musical performer and comedian, he opened for "Weird
Al" Yankovic.
He is now Assistant General Counsel for Sun Microsystems in
Northern California's Silicon Valley, after a 20 year career break
to write and perform music and comedy.
email Bruce at: