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Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/Original Song Podcast

Loose Bruce Kerr's original & parody/satire podcast site for Bruce's latest & legacy audio MP3s and video MP4 performances, videos always with live vocal (& guitar, if used) against Bruce's background tracks recorded by him 1 vocal and 1 instrument at a time, to produce a finished song and/or video.

Dec 24, 2013

EVANGELINE" is the true story of a brave 8 year old girl, Aurora Carter, dropped off at her grandparents due to her mother's heroin addiction & living on the streets.
My good friends Penny & Brian Butler stepped up several months ago to take in Aurora into their home, and deeper in their hearts. It moved me to write &...

Sep 14, 2013

"Woke Up in Love" (AUDIO) is a Loose Bruce Kerr original about falling in love with a girl you grew up with as a friend. The lyrics appear below.

Bruce records his vocals and instruments one at a time, using a multitrack TEAC 32 track recorder, multitrack recording having been invented by his co-townie from Waukesha,...

Apr 27, 2013

"SHARIA MARIA" is "Loose Bruce" Kerr's latest AUDIO parody (video to come) of the West Side Story song of similar name. Just vocal & guitar this time, like Bruce started out doing at the start of his solo career in 1973.

Loose Bruce" Kerr is an abnormal feature on the Dr. Demento Show on the internet (over 100 plays)...

Apr 14, 2013

JUST THE SAME" is the latest original song by "Loose Bruce" Kerr. The video shows pictures of laying down the pedal steel track by Richard Swiger in March of 2013.

The song is about returning veterans from the Mideast Wars, attempting to adjust to being back to their normal lives. Bruce dedicates the song to his...

Mar 16, 2013

"JUST THE SAME" by "Loose Bruce" Kerr.

Bruce's latest original song about returning Mideast War Veterans. Richard Swiger on pedal steel, Bruce on the rest.

Bruce's day job these days, after a 20 year career of performing music & comedy, is as a lawyer in Oracle's contracts dept. in Silicon Valley in Northern...