Nov 29, 2021
This is Waukesha High School's "Loyalty Song" from at least the 1940's-on. Sung by thousands over the years before pep rallies and athletic events. Author unknown (in research presently).
Dedicated to the lost and injured in the Christmas Parade tragedy in Waukesha in November, 2021.
Sep 29, 2021
Oct 3rd is the 26th anniversary of O.J. Simpson’s acquittal of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole.
This song and photo of the 1995 PC diskette of “O.J.-oh!” (to the Harry Belafonte tune of “Day-O”) by song parodist, Loose Bruce Kerr, was the first & only song release of its kind on that medium, including stereo...
Sep 26, 2021
Oct 3rd is the 26th anniversary of O.J. Simpson’s acquittal of murdering his ex-wife, Nicole.
This song and photo of the 1995 PC diskette of “O.J.-oh!” (to the Harry Belafonte tune of “Day-O”) by song parodist, Loose Bruce Kerr, was the first & only song release of its kind on that medium, including stereo...
Sep 3, 2021
"NO GOLD IN CALIFORNIA" is a Loose Bruce Kerr original from 1992 and a nod to Brian Wilson & the Beach Boys, a group Bruce grew up on and whose harmonies he learned on.
In 1992 the U.S. was mired in a recession in the economy and dealing with the disaster in Bosnia, ethnic cleansing, immigrants, homelessness, etc. The...
May 19, 2021
Sounds dirty but isn't, it's an ode to the strongest muscle of the body, the sphincter, our most reliable friend. By nationally known song parodist, Loose Bruce Kerr. Bruce is regularly featured on the Dr. Demento and Jim Bohannon nationally syndicated radio shows. Visit: to hear other songs,...