Mar 23, 2024
Silicon Valley was growing fast in the mid-1990's when I recorded this parody, 2 years or so before I found a long-term home at Sun Microsystems in the legal department.
It's to the tune of "Birdland" which had been a hit with Weather Report as well as Manhattan Transfer. It was the latter on which I based this parody, "NERDLAND."
In our garage in Mountain View (but of course) I laid down the vocals & instruments one at a time, including a digital drum machine thanks to integrated circuits developed nearby. And multi-tracked 1 part at a time onto my TEAC 4-track cassette deck thanks to my hometownie, Les Paul.
How many references in the lyrics to names of innovators, companies, etc. in early Silicon Valley days can you recall?
Loose Bruce inserted a 20-year performing and recording career into his 2 periods as an attorney. He's retired now from his latest 23-year term practicing law, most recently at Oracle. Before that, he was Assistant General Counsel at Sun Microsystems before Oracle acquired it. He continues to record his songs and videos in his garage studio. He sings and plays each part or instrument one at a time, then mixes it down to create the full recording.
Back in the day, he opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic. He's an irregular feature of the Dr. Demento Show on the internet (150 songplays since 1987).
His mp3 audio songs and mp4 videos can be streamed or downloaded for free at
email Bruce at