Jul 21, 2019
"OLDSTOCK" is Loose Bruce Kerr's song parody, released upon the 20 anniversary of WOODSTOCK in 1989, now re-released upon the 50th. If we thought we were old with this parody 20 years after, well now in 2019 with the 50th, yeeesh!
Based on Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock," also as versioned by CSNY which is the arrangement Bruce used here, this is Bruce's take from his 4-track TEAC cassette recorder out of his garage in 1989, having overdubbed & mixed down to get all the parts. The song was heard nationally on AM and syndicated radio shows like Dr. Demento, Jim Bohannon Show, and several newcasts covering the anniversary.
Earbuds encouraged. Enjoy!
Loose Bruce Kerr is a nationally-known song parodist & songwriter (Dr. Demento Show; Jim Bohannon Show). Back in the day, Bruce opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic.
Bruce records his songs in his garage live, adding background vocals & instruments he plays. In 1989 when he did "OLDSTOCK" Bruce was recording on a TEAC 4 track cassette deck, overdubbing till he got all the instruments & vocals added to the mix.
He is currently an attorney working at Oracle in northern California.
email: BKerrLaw@aol.com free mp3 and mp4 downloads of audio & video at loosebrucekerr.com